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Our Stakepool
The Story
Ticker : RISE
Pledge : 30,000 ADA
Pool Margin : 2%
Fixed Epoch Cost : 345 ADA
Being silent admirers of the vision set by Charles Hoskinson for a number of years , we have educated ourselves in the dream for the world as seen through Cardano and reflecting that in our Stake Pool
Providing economic identity to the many not the few
Becoming the worlds financial operating system
Scaling to a Billion users
Cardano is building this vision on ever growing scientific peer reviewed work that is built to last generations.
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Lets Rise Together
Echoing the values of Cardano, we want to use 20% of our profits to help noble causes across the world.
See our Contributions page for more information
"We are Cardano, and if you'll allow us, we'd like to change the world."