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RISE Supporting The Velindre Cancer Centre - March 2021 - $611.37 Donated

Updated: Mar 31, 2021

As I sit down to write these blog posts every month, I reflect on the ever turning nature of the world and the fact that things progress no matter what, all be it at its own pace.

With your support you have helped raise over $700 to our various past causes. This contributes to the progression I talk about above, where we are helping organisations to support others in need and make the world a better place.

This feels like an echo of Cardano's values, where technological innovations in this space are being used to bring up societies and give them tools so that they can also build and grow. One day they too will have the means to support others and make the world a better place.

In order to be able to do the above, we need to have optimum health and sometimes through no fault of the person, this isnt always the case. Cancer is one such disease that really impacts someones quality of life and health. According to Cancer Research UK there were 17 million new cases of cancer Worldwide in 2018 and 9.6 Million Deaths. They also suggest that by 2040 there will be 27.5 Million new cases of cancer each year.

Technology and scientific research is working day and night to try and cure this disease and help millions of families across the world to hope again.

As we are a Mission Driven Pool working to use Cardano technology to help various causes and build hope for a better future, for March we will be donating to the Velindre Cancer Centre in Wales, UK

Why the Velindre Cancer Centre?

The Velindre Cancer Centre provides specialist Cancer services to over 1.5 Million people in Wales and is one of the largest in the UK.

Each year over 5000 new referrals and 50000 outpatient appointments are handled by the specialists here.

What our donation will do?

Our donation will help the Velindre Centre meet its aims in:

Improving the quality and quantity of research

Improving outcomes

Improving conditions

Provision of the best possible treatment, care and support

Raising awareness about prevention and early diagnosis

It will also aid some of the appeal intiatives that the Velindre Centre are working towards:


In order to ensure we are transparent about our donations, we will be uploading any receipts and donation acknowledgements to our website in the Our Contributions page.

Update 31/03/2021

We donated $611.37 (£443.68) to The Velindre Cancer Centre on the 31st March 2021

For details click here

As always this is only possible thanks to the ever supportive Cardano community, so Thank You!


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